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hernia surgery

Hernia Surgery

Hernia surgery is performed to fix a hernia, it happens when a portion of an internal organ budges out through an abdominal opening. A hernia is very common amongst both men and women. It can be detected, while lifting heavy things, coughing, sneezing, also during exercising. The hernia can develop over time or it can be intrinsic as well. If it budges out more often during coughing and sneezing, Hernia Surgery becomes inevitable.

Hernia surgery can be done in two ways, open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. Almost every expert doctor prefers laparoscopic surgery for ensuring the maximum benefits of the patient. With the help of the laparoscopic surgery, a patient can recover quickly and go home the very same or the following day.

Here are some tips to follow after hernia surgery for a faster recovery.

1. Take rest for a few days after surgery. You can walk slowly in the room though, as it increases circulation. But do not walk too fast, otherwise, it can strain the abdomen.

2. Follow the diet your doctor provided. Eat fiber foods, fresh fruits, and green vegetables. Vegetables are good to avoid constipation and mitigate excess pressure built up.

3. Drink a lot of water and other fluids, which help you to recover from the pain quickly and promote healing the incision areas. You will get back to normal life soon.

4. Use a pillow while coughing and sneezing. Hold it against the belly to reduce the pain and shock.

5. Do not lift any load for a few weeks after the operation. If needed, you can start with light things first, after a few weeks.

6. Avoid driving while continuing the pain medications as driving can strain the incision areas. Consult with your doctor about the ideal time to resume driving.

7. Take care of the incision areas and regularly change the bandages or band-aids as per instruction.

8. Wear comfortable and lightweight clothes, preferably made up of cotton, which are easy to change.

9. Gently dry out the incision areas with a soft towel after a shower.

10. Do not work out and engage in any sports activities for a few weeks after the surgery. Consult with your doctor about it.

Stick to your doctor’s advice properly, take proper medication and follow these steps, so that you can recover from your hernia surgery and can get back to your normal life quickly. In case of any swelling, fever, or bleeding, see your doctor immediately.

Laparoscopic Hernia Operation

A hernia is definitely self-diagnosable but cannot be cured on its own. It becomes bigger with each passing day. It can even worsen and be life-threatening if left untreated for long. Hence, a hernia patient is advised to go for a surgery.

There are mainly two surgical ways to treat a hernia. Let’s brief them both so that you can pick the best option for yourself-

1. Open Surgery:

In this process, the surgeons would make a large incision to open the affected area. Next, they will push it back to the abdominal cavity but in a few cases, they can also remove the hernia tissues as well After that, the surgeon will close the operated muscle with stitches.

However, such type of operation is certainly not a painless treatment. Pain cannot be felt during the surgery, but the large incision and stitches cause pain and swelling during recovery. Some people can also develop longlasting chronic pain after open hernia surgery. Even blood clots are very common among patients due to a prolonged period under anesthesia.

2. Laparoscopic Hernia Operation:

it is also known as minimally invasive surgery and overcomes many drawbacks of the previous type. In the case of laparoscopic surgery, the surgeons would artificially inflate the abdominal cavity with some Carbon dioxide gas. Then, the skilled laparoscopic surgeons would make a few small cuts near the affected area. It is followed by inserting a thin tube with a camera, to guide the surgeons during the operation along with other a cold light source, and other necessary equipment. After completion, they remove the equipment and stitch small incisions. Usually, due to it’s shorter recovery period and less risk with modern technique, many doctors preferred it over open surgery. Patients can be back to their places within a day or two, and resume normal life within a fortnight.

Hence, you are recommended to choose the surgery approach wisely. Laparoscopic hernia operation can be a solution to address your concern.Read more: Advantage Of Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Surgery Over Open Surgery.

At Varanasi Hospital, we provide both the surgical facilities. However, you are suggested to consult our doctors to consider your health, lifestyle, and age before choosing the procedure.


A hernia is a fatty tissue that bulges out through a weak spot under the skin. Mostly hernia occurs in the abdomen i.e. belly and groin areas. It can affect both men and women. A hernia requires a surgery and does not go away on its own. It can be done by using either an open operation or a laparoscopic hernia operation. Although the latter has almost taken the pace of the former due to many advantages that it holds over the other. There are many types of a hernia.

Continue reading What Are The Most Common Types Of A Hernia?

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