Keeping Alive... The Hope of Life!


Laparoscopic Surgery Varanasi

Liver surgery Varanasi

“Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.”- William James

Liver is an important organ of the body and a healthy life does depend on this one, as its first task is highly connected with the digestive system. Thus, you need to watch out for what you eat or drink, because regular imbalances in your diet can prove fatal for your liver and a liver surgery might become inevitable.

Keeping the well-being of your liver in mind, here we present 5 tips that will help you avoid liver damage and will lead you towards a healthy life.

To know further about a healthy liver read more: A healthy liver sign healthy metabolism

1. Follow a healthy diet.

Add more green vegetables and fruits into your diet and avoid street food. Eat fish that is low in mercury and lean meat is recommendable.

Liver surgery Varanasi


2. Limit alcohol :

Putting a limit on your drinking behaviour will be good for your liver. We are not stopping you from drinking, but making it occasional will save you from getting a liver surgery.

Liver surgery Varanasi


3. Exercise daily :

Do not miss your daily exercise, as it will keep your body energized and healthy. Even if you have cheated on your diet for one day, exercise will help you get over the guilt.

Liver surgery Varanasi

4. Skip fad diet :

Eating less will not make you thin, but it can be perilous for your liver. So eat in exact proportion, better to follow a doctor prescribed diet.

Liver surgery Varanasi


5. Stop smoking :

Smoking is not good for your health from any side. Smoking damages the liver severely, so say no to smoking if you’re approached by your friends.

Liver surgery Varanasi

As mentioned above, liver is a crucial organ in our body. It’s your duty to make your life worth of living by taking care of it. Follow these above-mentioned tips and enjoy a healthy and long life.





Laparoscopic surgery Varanasi

Treatment through diet and medication has been a common practice in India for ages. Often people mistakenly assume surgery to be a new thing in the realm of healthcare. However, it is just an understatement, especially for us. In India, the surgical cure has been a remedy since the age of Sushrut. Today, we witness an extreme revolution of surgery, i.e the laparoscopic surgery. Let’s understand why it is becoming so prevalent these days.

The laparoscopic surgery, unlike the open surgery, is carried out through a few minor incisions made near the site of the damage. Needless to say, it has fewer surgical and post-surgical complications. At first, when the laparoscopic surgery made its entrance, many orthodox institutes shared their concern over it. Even though its viability is yet to be established in several specialties, its statistics speak for itself, within this short duration of 4-5 decades.

Statistically, it has been found that most of the leading healthcare providers are offering laparoscopic surgery to as high as 80-90 percent of the patients. It is predominantly true for surgeries operated int he abdominal region. Moreover, procedures like colectomy, gastrectomy, rectal resection, solid organ surgery are exclusively being carried out through this advanced surgical method.

The statistics are overwhelming particularly in case of the obesity surgery. As obesity surgery itself is a quite modern surgical approach to resolve obesity, approximate 99 percent of the cases are executed laparoscopically. In fact, the open surgery is done only for the high-risk patients.

This state-of-the-art technology overcomes multiple drawbacks that are associated with traditional, open surgery. It is becoming the preferred surgical approach for both patients and the doctors. In fact, the reason for not operation through a laparoscopic approach is due to the medical institute’s own shortcoming. These factors often include insufficient knowledge or training, lack of resources, ignorance, not acknowledging the learning curve etc.

Even though the open surgery technique has an immense contribution towards our healthcare till date, we are particularly thankful for the laparoscopic surgical approach. Clearly, it is the present and the future of surgery of medical treatment.

At Varanasi Hospital, we offer and recommend laparoscopic surgery for many surgical departments. Even though we do offer open surgery for the high-risk cases, we do recommend the laparoscopic surgery procedure to most of our patients.

Hernia is a common medical condition that can be seen becoming more and more prevalent these days. Statistically, it is most prevalent in males, but it also can be seen in women, particularly after childbirth. Hernia certainly requires a surgery to resolve it permanently. It is always better to get a laparoscopic hernia surgery as compared to an open surgery. Here we will list out some of the most questions about hernia, along with their factual answers.

What is a hernia?

Hernia occurs when an organ or a tissue pushes through a weak spot and holds it in the place.

How many types of hernia are in there?

Commonly there are four types of hernia- Inguinal, Hiatal, umbilical and Incisional.

Who are prone to have hernia?

Hernia can happen to anyone, but mostly seen in the-

People involving in routine heavy lifting, including those who workout heavily and blue collar workers.

People who are suffering from persistent constipation or diarrhea.

People who are overweight or obese.

People who had previous abdominal surgery.

People who are suffering from consistent sneezing and coughing.

People who had a previous abdominal injury.

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle, involving excessive smoking, malnutrition etc.

Women who had cesarian delivery in the past.

What are the symptoms of hernia?

The common symptoms of hernia is a bulge that protrudes from either the abdomen, chest or groin. You will most certainly feel it when you are bending over, standing or coughing. It can also be accompanied by pain, discomfort and burning sensation in the affected area.

In kids, it’s prominently visible when they are crying.

How can a hernia be diagnosed?

A hernia can be diagnosed through physical examination by the doctor, as coughing makes the hernia bulge more visible. In some cases, an endoscopy or ultrasound scan is required to be certain.

What is the treatment of hernia?

Hernia can be managed by medications only for the time being, but a surgery is the best option to resolve this once for all. Surgery make sure hernia doesn’t recur in the future. Moreover, a laparoscopic hernia surgery ensures a speedy recovery as compared to an open surgery.

How to prevent hernia?

Hernia can be prevented if taken some careful measures like:

Avoiding heavy lifting routinely

Consulting a doctor if coughing becomes persistent

Quitting bad habits like smoking

Maintaining a healthy and normal body weight.

It’s crucial to identify the symptoms of hernia. If it’s not treated, it will certainly not dissolve on its own. An untreated hernia can create many complications later. A surgery is most required to resolve this medical condition. Seek help, if the symptoms become prominent or persistent.

We will be back soon with a few more aspects regarding the hernia surgery. Stay healthy and fit!

Pancreatic Surgery Varanasi

Like all major operations, recovering from pancreatic surgery takes time too. Full recovery requires an average of two months for open surgery and about 2 weeks for laparoscopic surgery. Your recovery can be divided into different stages, each of which carries a different set of expectations. However, it is important to remember that every patient’s recovery is different, even if patients undergo the exact same procedure.

Let’s have a look at it in details-

Hospital Recovery After Pancreatic Surgery

Patients spend an average of 1-3 days in the hospital after pancreas surgery. While you are in the hospital, the members of your healthcare team will be checking in on you daily. Your in-house team consists of residents, medical students, nurses, and your surgeon. Your team will closely monitor your progress throughout your stay. You will be seen by residents and nurses several times each day and by your surgeon at least once each day.

It is normal to experience pain after pancreas surgery. While in the hospital, you will be able to manage your pain with intravenous pain medication. Once you are at home, you will manage your pain with oral medications prescribed by your healthcare team.

After your operation, you will have staples and special dressings where incisions were made during your procedure. Health care team will check your dressings regularly to ensure they are healing well and monitor any tubes to ensure proper drainage if any. It is normal to be discharged home with the surgical drainage tubes still in place, so do not be worried about your recovery if this happens to you. You will be given specific instructions on how to care for both the drainage tubes and your surgical dressing before you are discharged from the hospital.

Many people are eager to be discharged from the hospital after surgery, and your health care team will do everything they can to return you to your home life. Before they discharge you, there are certain requirements you must meet. You should:

  • Have a stable temperature and not show signs of fever
  • Have no unresolved medical or surgical issues
  • Be able to tolerate food and liquid
  • Be able to walk unassisted
  • After Discharge

You will be able to leave the hospital after a day or two. A full recovery from pancreas surgery can take two months or longer if it is an open surgery technique and about 2 weeks for laparoscopic surgery. During the recovery, your doctor will ask you to come into the hospital for postoperative evaluations. At your first postoperative visit, you will meet with your surgeon or a nurse practitioner who will review your pathology and surgical reports. Your incisions will be examined and staples and tubes will be removed. At this, and at subsequent postoperative evaluations, your team will also talk to you about your diet, bowel functions, and pain control to ensure you are recovering well.

Post-Operative Dietary Guidelines

After pancreatic surgery, it is normal to have minute difficulty eating or to experience nausea, vomiting or heartburn. These symptoms are caused by a condition known as “gastric ileus,”. It may take your digestive system anywhere between a week or two to return to normal.

In general, when recovering from a pancreatic operation, the goal should be to eat small, frequent meals or snacks every three hours. Eat a protein containing food first each meal to minimise the amount of muscle mass you may lose. It is important to remember to drink fluids between meals to stay hydrated.

In a nutshell, the post-operative care is much easier and convenient if it is a laparoscopic surgery instead of an open surgery.

Varanasi Hospital

What makes a healthcare facility, the best hospital?

The answer is, a place where you can get the ultimate care and the best services, mainly the value of your money. One of the must-have features in the best hospitals should be the availability of laparoscopic surgery.

There are other points every patient’s family should notice while choosing the best hospital, these are as follows:

Check the Reviews:

Look for the reviews of different hospitals. Patients and their families usually give these based on their experiences in there. If the ratings are good enough and meet your requirements, you can definitely go to the hospital.

Patient Experience:

Ask an existing patient or a former one, who has been in that hospital. Ask them about their experiences. They will give you an insight of the place. They will tell you both bad and good points of the same. That way you can decide which place you can choose.

Hospital Practices:

Two measures are included under this heading, the use of electronic health records, and the availability of the state of the art technology and equipment. The doctors and nurses should be expert in their works. They should know what they are doing while treating a patient.

Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery:

Check if the place provides laparoscopic surgery over open surgery or not. As smaller incisions are quick to heal and they are almost scarless, it is preferable for most patients. Moreover, open surgery has too many problems attached to it.

Distance from your House:

Check the distance of the hospital from your house. Because in case of an emergency you can check in to the place faster. If the admission is quick, the cure will be quicker and there will be lesser risks attached.

Know What Your Insurance Covers:

If you’ve recently learned that you need to get a surgery or so, your main focus should be to get the best care possible. However, understanding what your medical insurance covers and what it doesn’t is also essential. Choosing a hospital that ties up with many insurance agencies are better.

Consider the Doctor:

Your choice of a hospital should depend on the calibre of your physician or surgeon too. So you want to make sure that you find a good doctor. Check if the doctor is well-experienced or not. He has to be an expert if he’s a surgeon as only a well-practised surgeon can give you the assurance of getting cured of your disease.

All of these are the points determines what kind of hospital you should consider the best.

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