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Gall Bladder Stone Surgery

Gallbladder stone is a very common problem nowadays. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the number of people seeking gallbladder stone surgery these days, is on the rise. While some of them have no symptoms regarding the gall stones, some suffer severe pain and discomfort. These annoying symptoms can be managed effectively with diet and medications.

However, gall bladder stone surgery is usually the only treatment for the same. If left untreated, it can bring some complications. Some of them are gall bladder inflammation, infection of the bile ducts, acute pancreatitis, and gall bladder cancer (rarely). Let’s explain them one by one, in brief-

Inflammation Of Gall Bladder:

It is also called acute cholecystitis. It happens when the bile starts to secrete in the gall bladder. It onsets when the stones prevent the bile from secreting into tubes and causes inflammation in the bladder.

Its Most Common Symptoms are:

  1. Severe pain in the upper abdomen
  2. Fever
  3. Vomiting
  4. Loss of appetite

For mild inflammation, the doctor may prescribe medicines and antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading further, but in severe cases, the doctor may suggests Gall Bladder Stone Surgery to remove the gallbladder altogether.

Infection Of The Bile Ducts:

It is also called Acute Cholangitis. It happens, when the bile ducts become blocked and bacterias start to grow in the ducts and cause infection.

Its Most Common Symptoms are:

  1. Severe pain in the upper abdomen
  2. Pain that can spread towards your shoulder.
  3. Jaundice
  4. High fever
  5. Irritation in the skin
    Doctor prefers antibiotics treatment first to notice if there is any improvement. If no significant improvement occurs, generally they recommend Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

Acute Pancreatitis:

Pancreatitis is a severe disease. It happens when a stone set in the bile duct and blocks the opening of the pancreas. The digestive juice, which is produced in the pancreas becomes unable to drain and leads to pancreatitis. It causes severe inflammation in the pancreas and also it can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

Its Most Common Symptoms are:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Poor appetite
  3. High fever
  4. Vomiting

It requires immediate hospitalization, so the doctor starts the treatment with intravenous fluids, antibiotics, pain killer, etc to stabilize the patient. After that, a thorough investigation and treatment of the underlying conditions begin.

Gall Bladder Cancer:

Though it is rare, it is a very serious complication of gallstones. This rare complication gets more serious and a likely scenario, if you have a family history of gallstones or have too much calcium in your gall bladder.

Its Most Common Symptoms are:

  1. Severe pain in the abdomen
  2. Vomiting
  3. Jaundice
  4. Fever

Gall Bladder Surgery must be needed even if your gallstones aren’t causing any symptoms. It is the only way to prevent the possibilities of any unwanted medical complications. These days, gall bladder operation has become even more effective and safer, without any complication through laparoscopic surgery.

Hernia surgery varanasi

Hernia surgery can be done in two ways, open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. As there are different kinds of hernia, a surgeon might take different approaches to repair the hernia effectively. However, almost every expert doctor prefers laparoscopic hernia surgery for ensuring the maximum benefits of the patient.

Nowadays, ‘Hernia Mesh’ is a product commonly used in hernia repairs. Surgical meshes, in particular, the ones used to repair hernias, have been in use since 1891. Yet there are many doubts regarding the same, till this day.

Today, on behalf of Varanasi Hospital, we answer some frequently asked questions about mesh in hernia repair surgery.

What Is a ‘Mesh’?

Surgical mesh is a medical instrument that is used to provide extra support to the weakened tissue or damaged tissue. The mesh looks like a flat, grid-like structure which is mainly used to cover the hernia surgery incision. There are two types of mesh, which are made from either synthetic material and animal tissue. The surgeon decides which type, depending from case to case.

How Does It Work?

Mesh fortifies the tissue around the hernia. Surgeons joint the mesh or staple them after repairing the hernia. Over time the tissues grow around the mesh and secure the repair, mitigating the recurrence of hernia in the future.

Does Hernia Surgery Require A Mesh?

A hernia can be repaired without a mesh if it’s a small one. Mainly a small can be repaired with just a suture. However, if hernia left untreated, it often grows over time, which cannot be treated with the only suture. Then it often requires a surgical mesh for a successful repair.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Mesh?

Previously, the hernia used to be repaired with suturing, quite successfully. But in many cases hernia recurred again and again, as the incision acts as a weak spot in the abdomen. But the usage of hernia mesh in surgery has changed that for good. It minimized the risk of the hernia recurrence.

Will It Cause Any Problem In The Future?

Surgical mesh is a foreign body, which is being placed in your body through hernia surgery. After surgery, it may get contaminated and cause swelling, redness, and irritation. But it has been found that mesh infection mostly occurs due to the usage of low-quality mesh. The best hospital, on the other hand, provide the best quality surgical mesh and lowers the chances of any such infection.

When a Mesh Is Required, Which Will Be The Best Surgery Procedure?

It depends on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s recommendation. However, experts surgeons, mostly prefer laparoscopic surgery, as it provides quick recovery without any complications.

Hope we helped you with our answers. We will be back soon, with more questions regarding surgical mesh, so stay tuned for the next part.

Read Also: 5 Different Types of Hernia Addressed At Varanasi Hospital

laparoscopic hernia surgery Varanasi

As we are observing Mother’s day this month, we are sending our tributes to all mothers’ along with spreading more awareness on hernia, a condition mothers mostly suffer after and before childbirth.

A hernia is a medical condition, which happens when a portion of an internal organ budges out through an abdominal opening. A hernia is very common amongst both men and women. However, pregnant women are highly susceptible to it. Thankfully, this condition can be resolved through hernia surgery.

Though hernia may not show any symptoms, often it can be found to be very painful for certain individuals. Let’s get to know how hernia is associated with motherhood.

During Pregnancy:

During pregnancy as your belly grows and stretches, the pressure on the abdominal wall starts to increase. Your abdomen gets pressurized significantly as it needs to carry the baby’s weight. Thus, the abdominal tissues get weaken due to immense load and it tears apart the membrane, making a hernia bulge out.

Who’s At Risk?

All pregnant women are at risk, but during pregnancy, the risk of hernia gets even more obvious, such as-

1. If you are expecting twins or more.

2. If you are obese or overweight.

3. If you had abdominal surgery previously.

4. If you had a previous C-section

During Childbirth:

If you diagnosed with a hernia during pregnancy, the doctor may suggest a C-section. This is done because, during normal delivery, a hernia can budge out, while the mother needs to put a lot of pressure on their abdomen to push out the baby. Though it is rare, this condition may arise.

Does It Hurt The Baby?

No, the baby won’t get hurt by the hernia as he/she grows up in the uterus. But you need to consult with your doctor immediately if hernia occurs in this condition.

After Pregnancy:

After childbirth, umbilical hernia is common amongst mothers’. It may show up soon after childbirth or even many years later. Due to the extreme stretchiness of the abdomen during pregnancy, the muscles won’t join fully even after birth, and may cause an umbilical hernia in the future. 

Though every mother is at the risk of having a hernia in the future after childbirth, several factors might uplift the chances even more, such as

1. Being Obese or overweight.

2. Coughing and sneezing too often.

3. Heavy weight lifting or carrying loads.

4. Having any Previous abdominal surgery.

If you feel a soft lump in your abdominal or groin area during or after your pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor immediately. If left untreated, it can cut off the blood supply, damaging your intestines. Thankfully, hernia surgery can resolve hernia permanently.

Varanasi Hospital wishes all mothers’ a Happy Mother’s Day. Stay safe and keep your baby safe!

Read also : How To Recover Faster After An Inguinal Hernia Repair?

Hernia Surgery

A hernia is a very common health problem amongst men and women. Though it is common, thankfully it can be resolved through hernia surgery effectively. However, many people don’t want to go for surgery and usually rely on hernia belts. Now the question is, is hernia belt a permanent cure of Hernia? Let’s discuss the effectiveness of the hernia belt.

What is a Hernia?

A hernia occurs when a portion of an internal organ pushes through the membrane wall and budges out externally.. An abdominal hernia is the most common form of hernia. Thankfully, most of the hernias are not dangerous and it can be resolved through hernia surgery. There are 4 types of hernia- Inguinal Hernia, Hiatal Hernia, Umbilical Hernia, and Incisional Hernia. A hernia can appear prominently during coughing, sneezing, lifting and pushing heavy things, even during laughing.

Hernia belts are specially made for those who are suffering from inguinal hernia (hernia emerging near the groin). It is a supportive undergarment mostly worn by men to keep the inguinal bulge in the right place and get relief from pain. Hernia belt convulses the abdominal wall and pressure back the bulge inside the abdominal wall. It is a temporary solution to get relief from pain. However, it is not a permanent solution.

Hernia belts are made of metal and elastic, which prevent the lump from budging out through the abdominal wall. However, it is very uncomfortable due to constant pressure and most of the patients felt discomfort wearing it all the time. Long usage of hernia belt can weaken the abdominal tissues even more and it is not a permanent cure from a hernia either.

Hernia surgery is the only permanent solution for a hernia. It is safe, and effective procedure for all patients. Through Laparoscopic surgery, it is now even easier and safer than ever. Most patient can regain a hernia-free life without any complications through this.

If your hernia is causing pain and discomfort, consult with your doctor about treatment options. Varanasi Hospital known as the best Laparoscopic surgery hospital in India, assure patients with the best treatment and recovery for all types of hernia.


‘Hepatitis’ is a harmful virus, which affects the liver and might cause serious liver disease, if not treated properly. Generally, it can be prevented if a person gets vaccinated for it on time. However, if this condition has already affected the liver, liver surgery might be needed to address it. Thankfully, laparoscopic surgery of the liver can help treat it effectively.

The liver is a vital organ in our body. It filters out the harmful substances and purifies the blood. Also, it transforms the nutrients and vitamins into substances, which circulate through the blood. A hepatitis-affected liver cannot perform functionally, which eventually leads to liver diseases.

Hepatitis occurs due to excessive alcohol abuse, unprescribed drugs, unhygienic food, etc. Most of the common hepatitis viruses are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

As we are observing World Immunization Week this month, let’s discuss Hepatitis types and its treatment.

Hepatitis A:

It happens due to infection with Hepatisis A virus.


  • Poor sanitation
  • Drug addiction
  • Unhygienic foods
  • Contamination with stool of an infected person
  • Unprotected sex.


It may or may not project symptoms, but if it does, the following condition might be noted:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Jaundice
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Low-grade fever

Treatment And Immunization:

  • All children should be vaccinated by the age of 1 year, against hepatitis A.
  • There is no specific treatment exists for Hepatitis A, once it onsets.

Hepatitis B:

It happens due to infection with Hepatisis B virus.


  • Through with blood, semen, or any other body fluids.
  • Sharing contaminated equipment (needles, syringe)
  • Sharing toothbrushes or razors
  • Unprotected sex.
  • Born to an infected mother.


Usually, symptoms occur after one month or so, after exposure to the infection. It can lead to mild to serious condition, such as-

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Jaundice

Treatment And Immunization:

Vaccination for certain people with high risk is highly recommended, such as-

  • Newborns.
  • People, who live with someone who has hepatitis B.
  • People who have chronic liver disease
  • People who have multiple sex partners.

There is no certain treatment available for hepatitis B. People go under supportive care and regular monitoring to examine liver disease progression.

Hepatitis C:

It happens due to infection with Hepatisis C virus.


  • Blood from a person, who is infected with hepatitis C virus.
  • Born to an infected mother
  • HIV infected person
  • Getting a Tattoo and piercing from an unhygienic parlor.


This is also called a silent disease, as it hardly shows any symptoms in its early stages. These symptoms are-

  • Jaundice
  • Weight loss
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Irritation in skin
  • Poor appetite.

Treatment & Immunization:

There is no vaccine invented for Hepatitis C. However, its risk can be minimized if, you,

  • Stop taking prohibited drugs.
  • Be careful when getting tattoos and piercing.
  • Do not engage in unprotected sex.

Hepatitis can lead to chronic liver disease, which might take to liver surgery. On this world immunization week, Varanasi Hospital urges every individual to take vaccination for Hepatitis on time and stay safe and healthy. 

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