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Eat These Foods To Prevent Gallstones

The gallbladder is an organ that resembles the shape of a pear and is placed underneath the liver. The basic or fundamental function of the gallbladder is to collect, store and concentrate bile produced by the liver. Following a gallbladder- friendly diet is important or else it will lead to gallstones, that might lead to serious problems like cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, etc.
If you are already suffering from gallstones, then you should take special care of your diet.

Gallstones reoccur frequently so doctors can recommend gallbladder stone surgery for its cure.

Gallstones are a common gallbladder issue that can be checked by making some alterations in your diet so that your risk of developing gallstones is reduced to some degree. Here are some foods that you can eat to prevent gallstones:

Whole Grains

Replace refined foods with whole-grain foods like oats, whole wheat bread, brown rice, buckwheat, as they are a healthier alternative of refined foods.

High fiber foods

Foods that have a high fiber content can reduce the risk of gallstones formation. Mention of few examples of high fiber foods can be made of- flaxseeds, black beans, kidney beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, apricots, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, and soybeans.

·Fresh fruits and vegetables:Eating an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily improves gallbladder’s health. So eat fruits and vegetables like,
– Oranges
– Lemons
– Apples
– Tomatoes
– Beetroot
– Cauliflower
– Broccoli
– Okra or lady’s finger
– Cabbage

Healthy Fats

Include foods with healthy fats such as- walnuts, almonds, olive oil, fish, cashews, coconut oil, eggs, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and yogurt, as they improve gallbladder’s health and prevent gallstones.

Iron-rich Foods

Several studies have confirmed that low-iron intake is linked with gallstones. So, consume more iron by adding high-iron foods like spinach, mushrooms, chicken liver, dried apricots, dark chocolate, unpeeled potatoes in your food.


Caffeine present in coffee reduces the risk of having gallstones but consider drinking coffee to a moderate level.

In conclusion, following a healthy diet and an active lifestyle has good effects on your gallbladder’s health. If you have any gallbladder related concerns, do not hesitate to ask for professional help from us, the best hospital in Varanasi.

Read More:- Avoid 5 Five Food Items, If You Are Suffering From Gallstones

laparoscopic rectopexy

A “prolapse” means when something falls out of its designated place. Rectal prolapse is a medical condition in which the rectum leaves its actual place and comes out through the anus instead. Though not a serious medical emergency, the situation is still bothersome and worrisome.

The person suffering from rectal prolapse feels uncomfortable, embarrassed, and face troubles in carrying out daily activities. There are three types of rectal prolapse as written as follows:

1. Internal Prolapse:

In internal prolapse, the rectum comes out of its position but does not leave through the anus, but rather folds in itself.

2. Partial or Mucosal Prolapse:

During partial or mucosal prolapse, only the rectal lining starts to drop out through the anus.

3. Complete or Full-Thickness Prolapse:

In this prolapse, the rectum entirely comes out through the anus and becomes noticeable.

Since now you know the three general types of rectum prolapse, it is important to know the causes lurking behind this unappealing situation. The causes responsible for rectal prolapse are as follows:

  • Chronic constipation and chronic difficulty in bowel movements
  • Due to a difficult normal delivery or vaginal birth in women
  • Weak rectal and anal muscles mainly because of old age
  • Nerve damage due to an injury in the spinal cord
  • Genetics.

The signs and symptoms that ensure that your rectum is prolapsed are mentioned as follows:

  •  A visible reddish bulge protruding out from your anus
  • Bleeding rectum
  • Constipation
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Bowel or anal incontinence (occasional and uncontrollable leakage of stool or liquified feces)
  • Mucus coming out from the anus
  • Pain and discomfort in the anal region.

An important thing to note is that rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids are completely different medical conditions and thus, should not be confused.

To diagnose rectal prolapse, the doctor performs a rectal exam where you have to pretend that you are trying to pass a bowel movement. The doctor also executes other necessary tests to conclude that you have a prolapsed rectum like- Anal manometry, Proctography (X-Ray for rectum), Anal ultrasound and Colonoscopy. The diagnostic tests vary for each case.

The archetypal treatment for treating rectal prolapse is the surgical method (especially in adults). For children, the pediatrician recommends stool softeners, laxatives, antibiotics (to treat bacterial infection), and sometimes injections. Surgery is very rare and happens when other treatments fail to work.

For adults, the most successful and hence most suggested treatment is laparoscopic rectopexy. In a laparoscopic rectopexy, the laparoscopic surgeon repairs the rectal prolapse by restoring the rectum to its actual location and further making stitches by using surgical mesh to prevent rectum from sticking out of its place.

We, at Varanasi Hospital, provide laparoscopic rectopexy to our patients with a higher success rate. To prevent rectal prolapse avoid straining during your bowel movements, maintain good intestinal health, increase your daily fluid intake, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, and live a stress-free life.

The liver is a very crucial organ of our digestive system. It carries out some essential functions like blood purification, protein-synthesis, production of bile, albumin & bilirubin, metabolization, vitamins & minerals storage, prevents clotting of blood. Hence, maintaining liver health should be practiced to have a good digestive system or else it might lead to many liver ailments and would eventually require liver surgery to treat them. To maintain a healthy liver, adapt the tips mentioned below:

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol can destroy the liver, so aim to stop it as soon as possible.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is extremely harmful to your lungs and liver. Stop smoking altogether.

Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

Your diet should contain lots of fruits, plenty of vegetables, whole grains, lean meats like fish, healthy oils and nuts. Make sure to get more fiber and less saturated fats in your food.

Liver-Friendly Foods

Detox your body with warm water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon. Have spinach, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, grapefruits, blueberries and cranberries, pears, fatty fishes like salmon, tuna and mackerel etc. Also include garlic, olive oil, papayas, melons, avocados, oatmeal, tea, green tea, and coffee in your diet chart.

Stay Away From High-Calorie Rich Food

Eat less fatty foods to avoid fatty liver disease. These include fast foods like pizza, burgers, pasta, takeouts from restaurants, deep-fried food, oily snacks. Also avoid eating packaged and processed food like packaged chips and nuts, ready-to-eat meals.

Ensure Both Mental And Physical Health

Exercise regularly to maintain healthy body weight and to reduce liver fat. Live a stress-free life, have healthy food and an adequate amount of rest.

Take Vaccination

Immunize yourself from viral infections like Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B that can damage the liver.

Don’t Go For OTC Drugs

Always take medicines as per the prescription. Never ever experiment with your health by taking over-the-counter medicines suggested by a friend/family or from the internet. Don’t take medicines without the doctor’s approval.

Get Regular Health-Care Check-Ups

Do get basic annual health check-ups to scan for health issues. Get tested for liver ailments in case you had liver infection in the recent past.

Liver diseases like cirrhosis, liver cysts, liver cancer, and liver failure require immediate medical supervision where the doctor may opt for liver surgery. As one of the best hospital in Varanasi, we offer surgery and other forms of treatment for liver illness.

Gallbladder Stone Surgery

Gallstones are not something any living person on earth can ever desire. These symptom-less small stones occur in the gall bladder of a person due to excessive cholesterol and bilirubin deposition. It is sometimes difficult to diagnose it because during the initial stage often it does not show adequate symptoms that prompt people to go seek a doctor. Usually, people rush to the hospital only when they encounter severe and intolerable pain in the right side of their abdomen.

Once a person is diagnosed with gallstones, the best option to get rid of these stones is by undergoing a gallbladder stone surgery. While it is understandable that not everyone prefers surgery, hence medications are available for the same to terminate gallstones. In a gallbladder stone surgery, the surgeon removes the patient’s gallbladder altogether as it is a known fact that gallstones have a probability of recurring again. Thus, the gallstones can be treated permanently only with a surgery.

However, until the gallstone operation is carried out, following a proper diet is very crucial. The food items that a person with this condition should strictly avoid at all costs include:

  • Highly processed and fried foods: Foods like cookies, French fries and anything that is deep-fried and comes inside a tinned can must be avoided. It also includes products that are commercially baked (cookies, biscuits, cakes, etc).
  • High-fat meats: It is no-brainer that meats with high-fat content such as red meat etc need to be avoided as it strains the digestive system of the patient suffering from gallstones.
  • High-fat dairy products: Milk products such as milk, butter, cheese and anything that contains milk are prohibited for the person having gallstones.
  • Refined white foods: Foods like white sugar, white bread, white pasta, refined white flour, white rice, etc also comes under the category of “forbidden food” for a gallstones patient.
  • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco: Consumption of alcohol and tobacco causes irreparable damage to one’s liver, so it should be ensured that the patient who has gallstones avoid it at any cost.
  • Spicy foods:We all crave spicy foods once in a while, but it is really harmful for people having gallstones. So, stop adding chillies and spices to your meals. Specifically, avoid it post your gallstone operation.

So, try to avoid the aforementioned food items, if you are dealing with gallstones. . Also, you must include fresh citrus fruits and green vegetables, whole grains, healthy nuts, tofu, lentils, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, fiber like beans, poultry and lean protein like sardines and shellfish, olive oil etc in your diet. The mentioned diet is also suitable for patients after their gallbladder stone surgery. Varanasi Hospital offers gallbladder stone surgery. For more information, get in touch with us.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Whenever we hear the word “surgery”, we get frightened. Anyone would be, because who wants themselves to be cut open and have an everlasting ugly scar in their bodies. Thankfully, we have laparoscopic surgery as an alternative for traditional open surgery. But some people still wonder if it is a safe and beneficial option. So, today, we will explain the same in details.

In laparoscopic surgery or “keyhole surgery”, the laparoscopic surgeon make small incisions on a patient’s abdomen to insert an instrument called “laparoscopy” to diagnose and operate the damaged organ. The “laparoscope” is a tiny device with an attached camera and light at one end which send images of the patient’s abdomen to the high-quality video monitors placed inside the surgery room for the doctors to make them operate the patient with more accurate images.

It is called “minimally invasive surgery” because it only requires few cuts in the body unlike open surgeries, where the surgeon makes near about twelve-inch long incision for treating the same organ. Keyhole surgery is very convenient and safe as it causes less scars and very little blood loss as the cuts are very few and small. Even the risk of infections is low compared to open surgery. Hence, the patient recovers very quickly and has to stay only for a few days in the hospital. The scars heal quickly and the patient can return to his or her normal life hopefully in a matter of weeks.

Laparoscopy is used to diagnose and treat numerous health conditions related to gastroenterology (concerned with digestive system), gynaecology (female reproductive system), urology (deals with the urinary system). Laparoscopic procedures is used to treat appendicitis, gallstones, hernia, stomach ulcers, ovarian cysts, tumors and infections, endometriosis, infertility and removing fibroids.

During the surgery, the patient is kept under general anesthesia. The laparoscopic surgeon then fills the patient’s abdomen with carbon dioxide (CO2) gas to get more vivid images of the inside of the patient’s body and to create some working space for the procedure. Few incisions are made through which the doctor inserts the laparoscope and views the pictures on a computer screen and carries out the operation. After the surgery, the surgeon releases the carbon dioxide from the patient’s stomach and stitch the incisions and bandages them. It is normal for the patient to feel drowsy post-surgery, but it gets better in no time.

Some precautions are to be followed post-surgery to ensure much faster recovery. These include, avoid smoking, keeping the stitches covered from the sun, avoiding overexertion due to heavy lifting etc. Also the patients must eat plenty of healthy foods and fluids and take rest as much as possible. Following up with the doctor for further recovery is important too.

Thus, laparoscopic surgery is safer than outdated open surgeries as the former causes less pain and fewer scars and contains almost no risks. Keyhole-surgery is a cost-efficient option as well, as it requires shorter hospital stays and also promises fewer complications with a speedy recovery. Varanasi Hospital offers laparoscopic surgery for a wide range of illnesses.

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