Varanasi Hospital

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery Brings The Innovation

When it comes to gallbladder surgery, most of the people consider it to be an open surgery where the surgeon makes a big incision near the waist and executes the surgery. Then the next 20 to 30 days are spent on the hospital bed for recovery. However, there has been a breakthrough in the concerned matter in form of Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery is a modern-day medical solution that offers patients a lesser-invasive solution to surgery. Also known as keyhole surgery, the surgery consists of using minimally invasive tools that make a small hole in the concerned area. Through the small incision, the surgeon inserts a camera along with other medical tools for operation. The visuals from the camera are seen on the attached screen in the operation theatre, therefore, allowing the surgeon to get a clear insight of the area that is to be operated.

In the case of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, the surgeon follows the same procedure and operates on the patient’ concerned area. The innovation comes with a series of benefits for patients.

Thus, we find that under Laparoscopic Gallbladder surgery there is innovation that not only helps surgeons to overcome the persisting problems in open surgery (such as poor visibility with the naked eye, etc.), but also helps patients to recover faster. Even developing cities in India, like Varanasi, Laparoscopic surgery is available. This means that quality healthcare is spreading across India and people from all caste, creed and gender can avail the same. Nonetheless, there are certain medical conditions where the surgeon might not support keyhole surgery and advice the patients to undergo open surgery. It is crucial to consider both the alternatives before finalizing the one to go with.