Varanasi Hospital

Things You Should Know If Your Gallbladder Is Removed!

Life without a gallbladder is absolutely possible. However, most of the lifestyle changes take place in the diet. Gall Bladder stores bile, a liquid that helps in digestion of fatty foods. You may need to cut down on fatty foods and limit dairy products that are difficult to digest and increase high fiber foods that are easily digestible. It is also recommended to eat smaller meals instead of large ones.

Gallbladder removal surgery commonly known as cholecystectomy is not very uncommon. It a patient develops any problem with gallbladder, then most doctors recommend to take it out through a surgery. Surgery is generally carried out if you develop gallstones within the bladder which is really painful. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the most preferred method of surgery as it requires quick recovery and an early discharge from the hospital with fewer scars on the body. Some symptoms of gallstones include severe abdomen pain, feeling nausea and suffering from jaundice. However, there are certain risks involved in the surgery. They might include wound infection, blood clots, damage to a duct carrying bile out of liver and bile leak.

It is mandatory to follow a proper and balanced diet after the surgery.

Therefore it can be said that a gallbladder stone surgery is the most effective way to treat gallstones. You can lead a normal life after the surgery. a balanced diet has to be followed to minimise the discomfort that you can experience post surgery. After all, a healthy liver is the powerhouse of strong digestion