Varanasi Hospital

Appendicitis Treatment

We, at Varanasi hospital, offer minimally invasive appendectomy, which is a scar-less and painless surgical approach to cure appendicitis. It is one of the most common surgeries that people undergo in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Statistically, one in every 2,000 people undergoes appendectomy at some stage of his life.

So what is appendix?

Appendix is a narrow tube-like organ attached to the initial portion of colon. Its location is in the right quadrant of the abdominal cavity. Its exact function remains unclear, but it is believed that it produces immunoglobulins which fights against infection and also helps us to recover from diarrhea. One can survive even without this organ and thus, once it is removed, the person can lead a healthy life afterwards.

What is appendicitis?

Appendicitis is an inflammation of appendix. The condition of appendicitis arises when the appendix is blocked, either by stool or any foreign pathogen or due to some infection. When the appendix inflates, the number of bacteria multiplies within the organ and form internal pus. The colony of bacteria and pus causes sharp pain around belly button and lower right section.

Once this medical condition onsets, immediate medical assistance is needed to overcome this problem. If it is left untreated, the inflammation will eventually burst and will spill infectious pathogens inside the abdominal cavity. This can end in another serious condition called peritonitis, a disease that causes severe inflammation of abdominal cavity’s lining, which can prove to be fatal.

What are the symptoms of appendicitis?

The first and most experienced signs of appendicitis are

Apart from this, there can be several additional symptoms, such as:

What is the best way to cure appendicitis in Varanasi?

The leading doctors recommend that the best way of curing appendix is appendectomy. It is the surgical removal of appendix. It is the only medical treatment to cure appendicitis. It is vital to perform this operation in time to avoid any associated complication.

What is laparoscopic appendectomy?

Traditionally, appendix was removed by an incision made on the right lower abdominal wall. But in recent years, laparoscopic approach is employed to cure appendix. In this approach, few small incisions of measurement ½ inches are made and the procedure is carried out through visual assistance on the monitor.

Some of the common advantages it offer over traditional approach are as follows