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laparoscopic surgery

‘Maharshi Sushrut’ is the founding father of surgery and his era dates back to 600 BCE and we Indians are extremely proud of him. But a lot of miraculous events happened in the past century and one of such miracle is laparoscopic surgery. Although the initial phase of laparoscopic surgery was not widely appreciated, but in the year 1902, first laparoscopic surgery was done by George Kelling, though the subject was a dog and not a person. It was not until 1910, when Hans Christian Jacobaeus carried out this procedure on human. Thus the glorious journey of laparoscopic surgery started.

Continue reading How laparoscopic surgery is better than open surgery?

Umbilical hernia is a health problem in which the umbilical cord does not close automatically after birth and thus, through this weakened areas, the intestine bulges out and gives rise to hernia. It is the connection between mother and child during the gestation period and acts as a bridge to deliver nourishment to the baby. Ideally, this cord should close by its own soon after birth. And when it does not, umbilical hernia occurs.

Continue reading Umbilical Hernia: Its Complications and Treatment

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