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Gallbladder Surgery

Eat These Foods To Prevent Gallstones

The gallbladder is an organ that resembles the shape of a pear and is placed underneath the liver. The basic or fundamental function of the gallbladder is to collect, store and concentrate bile produced by the liver. Following a gallbladder- friendly diet is important or else it will lead to gallstones, that might lead to serious problems like cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, etc.
If you are already suffering from gallstones, then you should take special care of your diet.

Gallstones reoccur frequently so doctors can recommend gallbladder stone surgery for its cure.

Gallstones are a common gallbladder issue that can be checked by making some alterations in your diet so that your risk of developing gallstones is reduced to some degree. Here are some foods that you can eat to prevent gallstones:

Whole Grains

Replace refined foods with whole-grain foods like oats, whole wheat bread, brown rice, buckwheat, as they are a healthier alternative of refined foods.

High fiber foods

Foods that have a high fiber content can reduce the risk of gallstones formation. Mention of few examples of high fiber foods can be made of- flaxseeds, black beans, kidney beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, apricots, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, and soybeans.

·Fresh fruits and vegetables:Eating an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables daily improves gallbladder’s health. So eat fruits and vegetables like,
– Oranges
– Lemons
– Apples
– Tomatoes
– Beetroot
– Cauliflower
– Broccoli
– Okra or lady’s finger
– Cabbage

Healthy Fats

Include foods with healthy fats such as- walnuts, almonds, olive oil, fish, cashews, coconut oil, eggs, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and yogurt, as they improve gallbladder’s health and prevent gallstones.

Iron-rich Foods

Several studies have confirmed that low-iron intake is linked with gallstones. So, consume more iron by adding high-iron foods like spinach, mushrooms, chicken liver, dried apricots, dark chocolate, unpeeled potatoes in your food.


Caffeine present in coffee reduces the risk of having gallstones but consider drinking coffee to a moderate level.

In conclusion, following a healthy diet and an active lifestyle has good effects on your gallbladder’s health. If you have any gallbladder related concerns, do not hesitate to ask for professional help from us, the best hospital in Varanasi.

Read More:- Avoid 5 Five Food Items, If You Are Suffering From Gallstones

Gallbladder Stone Surgery

Gallstones are not something any living person on earth can ever desire. These symptom-less small stones occur in the gall bladder of a person due to excessive cholesterol and bilirubin deposition. It is sometimes difficult to diagnose it because during the initial stage often it does not show adequate symptoms that prompt people to go seek a doctor. Usually, people rush to the hospital only when they encounter severe and intolerable pain in the right side of their abdomen.

Once a person is diagnosed with gallstones, the best option to get rid of these stones is by undergoing a gallbladder stone surgery. While it is understandable that not everyone prefers surgery, hence medications are available for the same to terminate gallstones. In a gallbladder stone surgery, the surgeon removes the patient’s gallbladder altogether as it is a known fact that gallstones have a probability of recurring again. Thus, the gallstones can be treated permanently only with a surgery.

However, until the gallstone operation is carried out, following a proper diet is very crucial. The food items that a person with this condition should strictly avoid at all costs include:

  • Highly processed and fried foods: Foods like cookies, French fries and anything that is deep-fried and comes inside a tinned can must be avoided. It also includes products that are commercially baked (cookies, biscuits, cakes, etc).
  • High-fat meats: It is no-brainer that meats with high-fat content such as red meat etc need to be avoided as it strains the digestive system of the patient suffering from gallstones.
  • High-fat dairy products: Milk products such as milk, butter, cheese and anything that contains milk are prohibited for the person having gallstones.
  • Refined white foods: Foods like white sugar, white bread, white pasta, refined white flour, white rice, etc also comes under the category of “forbidden food” for a gallstones patient.
  • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco: Consumption of alcohol and tobacco causes irreparable damage to one’s liver, so it should be ensured that the patient who has gallstones avoid it at any cost.
  • Spicy foods:We all crave spicy foods once in a while, but it is really harmful for people having gallstones. So, stop adding chillies and spices to your meals. Specifically, avoid it post your gallstone operation.

So, try to avoid the aforementioned food items, if you are dealing with gallstones. . Also, you must include fresh citrus fruits and green vegetables, whole grains, healthy nuts, tofu, lentils, low-fat dairy, healthy fats, fiber like beans, poultry and lean protein like sardines and shellfish, olive oil etc in your diet. The mentioned diet is also suitable for patients after their gallbladder stone surgery. Varanasi Hospital offers gallbladder stone surgery. For more information, get in touch with us.

Laparosocpic Gall Stone Operation

Varanasi Hospital aims to provide the best treatment for gallbladder stones in the northern India. Gallstones can be addressed in various ways. The most appropriate treatment is suggested to patients upon a series of tests carried out by our experienced team of doctors. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Stone Operation is recommended to treat gallstones for once and for all. Before listing out its benefits, lets know about gallstones, in brief.

Types Of Gallstones :

Bile is a fluid, that is secreted by liver which helps in the digestion of fats. When bile juice does not empty completely, these solidifies to form stones, within the gallbladder are hence they are termed as called gallstones. There are 2 types of gallstones, as per their composition:

• Cholesterol Stones which are formed when there is too much cholesterol in the bile. They are yellow, green, brown or white in color. Most gallstones belong to this category.

• Pigment Stones which are formed when there is too much bilirubin in the bile. These are smaller and are usually dark brown in color. Pigment stones accounts for only around 15 % of the gallstones cases.

Apart form their composition, gallstones can also be classifieds on the basis the number it forms. Gallbladder stones can either form in solitary or can also develop in multiple numbers in the gallbladder. The amount of deposits hardened in the gallbladder determines the size of the stone. It can be either as small as a sand grain or as big as a hockey ball.

Gallstone Operation Procedures And Benefits Of Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery :

Gallstone can be treated either through open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. Patients tend to have many queries regarding the advanced gallstone surgery and generally get nervous seeing the modern medical equipment of laparoscopic gallstone operation, since most of the people are familiar with the traditional open surgeries itself. However, gallbladder stone removal through laparoscopic surgery is becoming the more favoured procedure.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is another name for Laparoscopic Gallstone Operation. Three to four incisions are made and a camera is inserted via one of the incisions to perform the surgery, in this method. This operation procedure is preferred by Varanasi Hospital as it offers the following benefits to the patient.

• Best cosmetic results with minimum scars of operation.
• Much shorter stay at the hospital
• Lesser risks of pain and other surgical complications
• Quick recovery and return to work

Varanasi Hospital specializes in gallstone treatment for years and we recommend laparoscopic surgery for the best possible treatment.


Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery

The surgical removal of the gallbladder, known as cholecystectomy, has become a rather common procedure these days, all over the world. This procedure is mostly being carried out these days in the form of laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Today we will discuss if removing this organ is absolutely necessary in such cases.

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that sits in the right abdominal side, just over the liver. It plays a role in assisting digestion as it produces Bile, a digestive enzyme. Under normal circumstances, the gallbladder must never be removed, but it is often inevitable due to several illnesses. Gallstones are one such condition, which is resolved permanently for good, by removing the gallbladder itself. Apart from this, severe inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas are often some of the underlying medical cause which might need to remove the gallbladder.

For those who do not have much idea about it. Gallstones are a hardened mass of bile and other enzymes that results in hard stone-like structures. The gallstones become a problem when they block the flow of bile and starts to cause immense pain. Several individuals consume oral medication and other therapies to cure it, which might even work for a while. However, it is not a reliable method of treatment and gallstone can recur in the future.

The surgery is the only permanent method of resolving gallstones. In this surgical procedure, the gallbladder itself is removed surgically. Though it is feared by many individuals, the removal of gallstone does not have any severe consequence on health, neither does it affect digestion significantly. It only might have a few short-term discomforts such as disruptive bowel habits and loose stools, that too resolves within a week or two.

The laparoscopic gallbladder surgery has even more benefits than the traditional open surgery. The laparoscopic surgeries are often outpatient procedures, which means the patient is allowed to leave the hospital the same day after the procedure. The recovery is extremely fast and enables most people to resume their usual activities in a matter of days.

Thus, in a nutshell, the removal of the gallbladder might look like a troublesome option, it is extremely safe and effective. And most importantly, it is crucial to execute when complications such as gallstone and severe inflammation of this organ occur. Rely only on the best hospitals to avail laparoscopic gallbladder surgery.Things you should know if your gallbladder is removed.

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery

Medical treatment has come a long way in the past 30 years. Ask a person about painless gallbladder surgery procedure in the 1980s and his reaction would clearly suggest that it is not possible. Now in the present day, with medical advancement, we have access to laparoscopic gallbladder surgery that allows us to avail painless treatment with quality results.

How is Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery different from open Surgery?

Though the objective of laparoscopic surgery and open surgery remains the same – elimination of the problem, the approach is relatively different. In case of open surgery, the surgeon makes a big incision in the patient’s body and then executes the surgery. On the other hand, under laparoscopic surgery, instead of making a big incision, the surgeon makes 2-3 small incisions in the patient’s body. Once of such an incision is used to insert a camera whereby the surgeon is able to view the gallbladder on a large TV screen attached to the surgery room. So instead of looking into the patient’s body through the naked eyes, the surgeon gets a clearer view of the patient’s gallbladder on a TV screen.

Once the view is clear, the surgeon uses various tools to operate through the small incisions. The result of such surgery is that the patient faces minimum pain and a quicker recovery period. Additionally, the view of the gallbladder is much clearer on the TV screen than in case of open surgery and hence, the rate of accuracy is also higher.

Is Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery expensive?

This surgery is high on quality but more convenient on price. As compared to open surgery and its post-surgery maintenance and expenses, Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery is cheaper. With open surgery, a patient needs to under a big incision, then the period of recovery in the hospital is also long. Added to it, the cost of medicines that would heal the incision also needs to take care of for a longer duration. Alternatively, laparoscopic surgery is executed through small incisions which heal quickly. The period of recovery is also small; hence, patients can easily be discharged from the hospital within 3-4 days of the surgery. Taking all the connected expenses into account, laparoscopic surgery is the economical option.

Thus, every patient who is expecting to have a gallbladder surgery in the future are recommended to seek consultation regarding the preferred mode of surgery.

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